Row Martin Helseth towards the 2020 Olympics
Meet Norway's unknown Olympic hopes
Top athlete Martin Helseth (24) is fully committed to the Olympics in 2020, in one of the most demanding sports available: Rowing!
Can you row two kilometers in six to seven minutes Martin, one of Norway's greatest talents in rowing, does that. Resting is heavier than many may think. Lactic acid levels are among the highest measured in any sport, he says. And if you thought you had to have strong arms to row fast, that's not entirely true::
– The arms only account for about five percent of the effort needed to row. It is the thighs, buttocks and back that do the heaviest job, he reveals.
Learned to row by the sea
Martin was born and raised between mountains and fjords, more specifically in Ålesund. He learned to row in headwinds on the cold sea.
– Every time we have to compete in rough conditions, I smile extra wide. I have gained all my technical basis through training in waves and wind on healthy fjords, he smiles.
He started rowing as a 12-year-old, after getting tired of football.
– Rowing was a perfect activity for me who has always loved using my body. Besides, I have always loved activities in water. And I was quickly hooked on trying to get faster. There was also a very incredibly good social environment at the club, Aalesunds Roklub, he says.
Bet on the Olympics
The rest is history. He now lives in Oslo and is fully committed to rowing, in addition to taking part-time studies in economics. He has already collected two medals in the world cup, two silver in the u23 WC, two individual golds in the National Championships and four golds in the Nordic.
– My goal is gold in the Olympics in 2020. I therefore train several hours a day, and cycle 30 miles round trip in the summer. I have always been fascinated by the sea, and have recently started freediving as a hobby. It is incredibly exciting to visit the wonderful world underwater, he says. At the same time, he is concerned with helping to limit the pollution of the sea, which he himself sees the consequences of when he travels both on and under water.
Requires good balance
Martin explains that the boat they are rowing is narrower than the body. With three meters long oars, it is easy to capsize.
– The boats are designed to move as fast as possible through the water and are not very strong at sea. The most difficult thing about rowing a single sculler is to keep the balance and row with long efficient roofs that do not cost too much effort, Martin explains. He also competes in team boats with two or four rowers. Then it is about rowing as synchronously as possible with the partner.
– Both food and "medicine"
Martin was introduced to Enriched this fall. He is convinced that the oils can help him calm down even faster. For me, this is both food and medicine, which tastes so good that I use it on almost everything I eat, he
– As a top athlete, I am completely dependent on the body functioning optimally to be able to utilize my full potential on the water. Here I see the use of healthy oils as a good contribution, says Martin.
He exercises at least 30 hours a week, and notices on his body what he is eating. To succeed, the circulation in the body, joints and muscles must function properly. In competitions, it is at least as important to be mentally strong.
Keeps the body in top shape
He says that he is in good physical shape and is performing very well at the moment. In addition, he has stayed healthy and fast since starting to use Enriched.
– I have previously struggled with strain injuries in joints in the back, and hope that plenty of omega-3 can affect the body positively so that I avoid similar injuries in the future, says Martin.
Impressed with the taste
He is both surprised and impressed by the good taste, even with a very high content of omega-3 from cod.
– I think the oil elevates the taste of many cold dishes. In addition, I can eat this with a very good conscience! I know that marine fatty acids such as omega-3 must be added via food because the body itself is not able to produce this, Martin emphasizes.
– It really tastes like olive oil, with the taste of lemon, basil or garlic. When you taste the oils, there is nothing to indicate that they contain 33 percent pure cod oil! I almost always add a little where it suits cold dishes and in other lunch and dinner dishes. I rarely eat a salad without it, Martin smiles.
More fish
– I recommend everyone to try the oils from Enriched. First of all because it tastes good and that it is very healthy. We eat less and less fish in Norway. The recommendation is to eat it at least two or three times a week, which very few people do. This has many negative consequences for public health, and it is not without reason that the authorities are trying to get us to eat more. The dietary advice on fish is based on national and international research. Fish oil helps reduce the risk of inflammation in muscles and joints, and it is healthy for both the heart and vessels, brain and eyes.
Takes sustainability seriously
Martin has also noticed that the producer has a strong focus on sustainability, both when it comes to olive oil and cod oil. With various quality labels and certifications, they prove that they take the environment seriously.
– I am very concerned about a more sustainable society. Overfishing is a growing problem and the resources from the sea are not inexhaustible. It is good that Enriched utilizes the whole fish and has a strong environmental focus, says Martin, and adds that you can also see where the raw materials come from and where they are produced.
Adapts the taste to the food
Martin has tested the Enriched oils on many different dishes.
– I have found slightly different uses for the different flavors. Dishes with chicken, for example, go especially well with the oil with lemon flavor. The slightly sour taste elevates the taste of food that may not taste so good in the first place, Martin believes.
– My favorite flavor is the one with basil. It goes very well with most types of salads, and has a more moderate taste than the lemon version. The variant with garlic, on the other hand, goes well with red meat or other slightly strong dishes. Garlic as a spice has a distinctive character that elevates the other flavors in the dish, and Enriched with garlic has much of the same effect, Martin believes.
– I'm not an expert on cooking, but I'm constantly trying to add the oils to new dishes. Yesterday, for example, I tried it with garlic in a root mash, which I served with a self-caught plain from the Oslo Fjord. It tasted absolutely fantastic, Martin smiles.