Privacy and Cookies

Privacy statement ENRICHED Food ASS

On behalf of ENRICHED Food AS, the general manager is responsible for handling the company's processing and storage of personal data.

Personal information stored

ENRICHED Food stores and processes your personal information in a safe and secure manner, and in accordance with applicable privacy laws.

We store your customer information in order to carry out our obligations to you, and to communicate with you about our products via e-mail, telephone, SMS and post. All customer information is stored for 6 years with regard to the Accounting Act.

As a customer, you agree that ENRICHED Food can communicate with you. The consent is voluntary and is valid until it is withdrawn. By contacting us  you can demand personal data corrected, deleted, blocked or handed over in accordance with the Personal Data Act.

We store the following personal information about our customers; Name, address, telephone number and e-mail address, gender, date of birth We also store purchase history and behavior patterns on our website, ie information on how the individual customer navigates the site, when consent has been given.

Purpose of the treatment

We process the information in order to be able to carry out our obligations by agreement with you. We also use the information to be able to provide you with information, offers and service in connection with your purchase via e-mail, telephone, SMS and postal items. We use purchase history and behavior patterns on the website to be able to provide recommendations and advertisements that are tailored to each individual user.

As part of the marketing, analyzes are performed on the basis of your customer information. Using special criteria, it is selected which persons the marketing is to be directed at. These criteria include the last purchase made, number of purchases, method of payment, age, gender and postcode.

The basis for the treatment

Information about name, address, telephone, e-mail address is used to fulfill the purchase agreement. The basis for this treatment is Article 6 (b) of the Privacy Regulation. Where you have consented to it, the information is also used to provide you with information, offers and service in connection with your purchase via e-mail, telephone and SMS. The basis for this treatment is the Privacy Ordinance art. 6 (a). You can at any time refuse to receive such information from us.

If you have consented to it, purchase history and behavior patterns are used to provide recommendations and advertising specifically tailored to you as a user. The basis for this treatment is the Privacy Ordinance art. 6 (a). You can withdraw your consent to such use at any time.

Collection of personal information

We store the personal information you have provided on our website in connection with your purchase. We use cookies on our websites when it has been agreed to, to give you who visit the website the best possible customer experience and service. Current regulations require that we inform our visitors about the use of cookies. Read more about Cookies later in the privacy statement.

Disclosure of information to third parties

In order to be able to fulfill our obligations under the agreement, necessary information is provided to our partners in various industries, such as shipping companies, insurance, debt collection, companies that by agreement with us are responsible for the technical or administrative operation of our services.

Deletion of personal information

We store personal information in accordance with applicable law and have measures at all times to ensure the requirements for confidentiality, availability and integrity.

Your personal information will only be stored and used as long as we have a factual and justified need for this, and in any case no longer than what follows from the legislation in force at any given time. When we no longer have a factual and justified need for the storage of personal data, the information will be deleted or anonymised.

Rights of the registered

We process your personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Act and current regulations. Please note that you can demand access to and transfer of your own personal information, as well as demand correction or deletion of information. Access is given in person at our business address. It can be complained to the Data Inspectorate about processing that is in violation of the rules.

Internal control regulations

We conduct internal control that ensures that the Personal Data Act's rules on the processing of personal data are followed.

Information security

We secure your personal information by both physical and virtual access and access control, as well as by any encryption of sensitive parts of submitted information. In the event of deviations in safety routines or data going astray, those involved will be informed via email.

Our website uses cookies (also called cookies) when this has been agreed to. Cookies are small files that are used to store information about which pages you have visited in an anonymous way.

The purpose is to improve the website so that it better suits your interests and preferences. Cookies are also used for statistical purposes and are collected anonymously.

Everyone who visits a website with cookies should receive information about:

  • that the website contains cookies
  • what cookies are used for
  • how to avoid or opt out of cookies

What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small file that is sent to your PC, tablet or mobile phone (device) when you visit a website. The file is saved on your device. The information stored in a cookie does not contain any personal information such as name, e-mail address or other personal information.

A cookie can be compared to an electronic business card that is unique to your device. The task of the file is to identify you when you return to the web page. Cookies are not the same as viruses. A cookie is just a text file and does not harm the machine in any way. The cookie cannot start a program, does not contain viruses, and can not destroy other information you have stored on your computer.

What are cookies used for??
Most websites use cookies. With the help of cookies, the website gets to know how often you visit the page, which helps the website to decide what is interesting to you. This way, the content of the website can be better adapted to you and your preferences. Cookies are also used to collect statistics. We do NOT use cookies to store sensitive personal information or other personal information.

Different types of cookies
Text cookies: A text cookie is a small file that allows a website to recognize the visitor. An example of this is if the visitor wants to save their username on a website to make it easier to log in again later. The cookie then stores an ID for the visitor. For example. "remember me", which is an active choice.

Text cookies do not contain any personal information such as name, email address or other personally identifiable information. A website can only read cookies that it has created itself.

Session cookies: In order for a website to keep the various visitors apart, session cookies are used. This type of cookie is stored in the machine's memory only when the visitor has the browser up. The cookie creates a unique identity for the visitor as long as you are on the website. Then it is removed.

Google Analytics and Google Marketing Platform

This site uses Google Analytics and the Google marketing platform (GMP), which are tools for analytics and digital marketing. Google Analytics and GMP offer tools for analyzing the use of the website and linking this data with data from digital marketing initiatives. Google stores information about where users sit and how they use the web pages. Google may, where required by law, transfer data to third parties. In some cases to third parties who process data on behalf of Google.

Google will not link your IP address to any other data they store. By further use of, you agree that Google processes data about you for the above purposes.

What are web beacons?
Web beacons are small graphical images that are used to send anonymous statistics about the site to a statistics tool, and which tell how the site is used. The graphic is invisible to the visitor, and is only read by the tool, as an anonymous statistical basis.

ENRICED Food AS uses both cookies and web beacons.

We use text cookies that are stored on your computer for a maximum of 30 days, and session cookies that exist for 20 minutes while you visit the website. This is an anonymous collection of statistics, and for this we use the statistics tool Google Analytics.

Avoid cookies
If you wish, you can choose to close the cookie function in your browser. To do this, go to the security settings of the browser you are using. This may mean that you may not use certain services on certain websites. If you are unsure how to do this, contact your PC support or your local PC store.

Contact information

Inquiries about what information has been registered, correction, extradition and deletion are directed to 

This document is revised annually.

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